Phil Dirt - Reverb Central - PO Box 1609, Felton, CA 95018-1609 USA
Sonodrom Express - Baja!dotdotdot
artworkIt's been three years+ since Sonodrom Express has submitted a demo. Like the first, the bass and drums are minimized against the guitar, with the sound being pretty ambient. But, they continue to use simple but original elements to make these songs their own. They really do need to record a record to show what they are capable of.
Picks: Baja, El Aguila

Track by Track Review

Baja dotdotdot
Surf (Instrumental)

The waves gently ripple at the shore to open this gentle version of Lee Hazelwood's classic surf instro. The guitar's muted reverb drips out the grand melody attractively. This is a fairly unusual sounding version of this song.

Surf Rider dotdotdot
Surf (Instrumental)

Nokie Edwards's little gem is done in a straight forward fashion while the waves lap the shore. After the break, the guitar goes into distortion, giving "Surf Rider" a bit of edge.

El Aguila dotdotdot
Surf (Instrumental)

Muted, dribbled, reverbed, wet chorded, and delicately cool. Sonodrom Express give the song a fresh face without really changing anything. It's all in the tone and sound. This is one of my favorite Lee Hazelwood songs.

Our Man Flint dotdotdot
Surf (Instrumental)

This cheesy film theme is actually done with some emotional slither, at least until the drums begin to rock and the guitar drives a but harder.